Quartz is a very hard and durable material. It’s rated 7 on the Mohs hardness scale, just 2 notches below the hardest stone, diamond. Quartz is also known for having intricate yet elegant colorways and patterns, a reason why a lot of high-end restaurants and hotels use it as countertops for kitchens and bathrooms.

Its sophisticated appearance means that quartz, such as quartz countertops, is often found in homes. Unlike a lot of natural stones, quartz isn’t porous. This characteristic makes it easy to clean and maintain. It also helps with longevity as it’s resistant to chemical penetration and is considered to be stain resistant.

Despite the almost bulletproof description of quartz and the ease with which you can clean quartz countertops, at the end of the day, it’s still a natural stone. Natural stones still wear and are prone to damage from chemicals found in harsh cleaners. This is why quartz still needs a bit of TLC every once in a while to help it shine and ensure a long life. Thankfully, simple tips such as frequent cleaning with a soft cloth and soap and warm water can also prevent bacterial and fungal growth.

If you’re looking for daily cleaning tips or new cleaning solutions to avoid permanent stains and damage, here’s what our team at Granite Selection recommends.


How to clean white quartz countertops


Taking proper care of your quartz countertops is essential to keep them looking their best and lasting for years to come. Regular cleaning and maintenance of your quartz countertops is necessary to keep them in top condition. Here are some simple steps to follow:


When it comes to cleaning a quartz surface, scraping off dried gunk might seem like a daunting task. However, with the right technique, it doesn’t have to be. The first step is to gather your tools: a scraper, a microfiber cloth, and a cleaning solution.

Once you’ve got everything in hand, start by using the scraper to gently remove any dried-on gunk. Be careful not to use too much pressure, as you could scratch the surface of the quartz.
After that, use your cleaning solution and microfiber cloth to wipe away any remaining debris.
With a little bit of elbow grease and some patience, your quartz surface will be looking as good as new in no time.


Stubborn stains are a common household problem that can be frustrating to remove. Fortunately, there are proven grease removers that can help lift even the most stubborn stains. One effective method is to use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar as a natural alternative to harsh chemicals.

Simply mix equal parts baking soda and vinegar and apply the paste to the stained area. Let it sit for a few minutes before scrubbing it with a brush and rinsing it with water.

For tougher stains, dish soap or laundry detergent can be used as a pre-treatment before washing. Another option is to use a grease-cutting spray or cleaner specifically designed for the type of stain with which you’re dealing.

Whatever method you choose, it’s important to be patient and persistent in tackling those stubborn stains. With the right tools and techniques, you can say goodbye to unsightly stains and enjoy a cleaner, more vibrant home.


If you’re lucky enough to have quartz countertops in your kitchen or bathroom, you probably already know that they’re not only beautiful but also durable and easy to care for. Keeping them looking their best is easy with a soft cloth and mild soap.

Start by wiping down the surface with a damp cloth to remove any surface debris. Next, mix a small amount of mild soap with warm water and use the cloth to gently scrub away any stains or stubborn residue. Rinse the surface with clean water and dry it thoroughly with a fresh cloth.
With just a little bit of effort, your quartz countertops will stay looking as good as new for years to come.

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Put a little effort into cleaning, and your countertops will look just as sparkling as our Bianco Pepper quartz.


When cutting on quartz countertops, some kitchen activities can cause stains and leave a residue that is hard to remove even with mild soap. To tackle these tough stains, here are some steps you can take using household tools and materials that you can find at home.


There’s an ongoing debate as to whether or not to use glass cleaners on quartz. In reality, the devil is in the details. There are glass cleaners that are quartz-safe and there are some that can cause mild to moderate damage to your countertops.

We encourage you to always check the label and look out for harsh chemicals such as strong acids or bases. The last thing you want is to cause more damage. Also, check your stone top’s warranty to make sure you only use cleaning techniques prescribed by the manufacturer.

If glass cleaners are safe for your particular quartz countertop, they can help in removing tough stains, adhesives, and residue that have accumulated on the surface. It’s also simple to use; simply spray the glass cleaner on the entire surface. More sprays will be needed on debris or residue that has already caked into the granite. Let it sit for 2-3 minutes then wipe it off with a microfibre cloth.


To remove tough stains on quartz countertops without causing damage or discoloration, it’s crucial to use proper cleaning methods and products. Adhesive remover is a highly effective solution for such cases. Here’s a guide on how to use it:

  1. Gather the necessary supplies, including adhesive remover, warm water, a wet cloth or rag, and an alternative cleaning solution like caramel.
  2. Dampen the cloth with warm water and wipe the countertop to remove dirt and debris.
  3. Apply the adhesive remover directly to the stain, ensuring that the entire area is covered. Allow it to sit for 5-10 minutes to loosen the stain.
  4. Wipe away the adhesive remover and remaining stain with a clean, damp cloth. Thoroughly wipe the countertop to avoid leaving any residue.
  5. Rinse the countertop with warm water to remove any excess cleaner or residue.

If you don’t have adhesive remover, caramel is an effective alternative due to its sticker-like qualities. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Apply caramel to the stain, ensuring that the entire area is covered.
  2. Allow it to sit for a few minutes, then wipe it away with a clean cloth, along with the stain.
  3. Rinse the countertop with warm water to remove any leftover residue.

Remember to always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and test any cleaning product in an inconspicuous area first to avoid damage to your countertops. With these cleaning methods and a few household tools, you can easily remove even the most stubborn stains from your quartz countertops.


Isopropyl alcohol is particularly good in disinfecting jobs because it kills off most of the microbes. Since the kitchen has an abundance of food and other organic substances, it’s unfortunately also a favorite of bacteria and fungi. One way to steer clear of microbial growth is to disinfect quartz countertops with isopropyl alcohol.

It’s also exceptionally good at white quartz countertop stain removal. All you need to do is spray and let it sit for around 3-5 minutes. This is better than using other household materials such as vinegar or apple cider which can corrode the resin. After wiping off the isopropyl alcohol, wipe the countertop with a microfibre cloth soaked in warm water before drying it.


The best way to clean white quartz countertop

Quartz countertops are a popular choice for kitchens due to their durability, low maintenance, and attractive appearance. However, like any other surface, quartz countertops require proper cleaning and maintenance to retain their beauty and longevity.
While cleaning quartz countertops may seem straightforward, there are several mistakes that people often make that can lead to damage or discoloration of the surface. Here are common mistakes to avoid when cleaning quartz countertops and why it’s important to steer clear of them:

  1. Using abrasive cleaners: Abrasive cleaners like scouring pads, steel wool, or powder cleaners can scratch the surface of quartz countertops, leaving them looking dull and damaged.
  2. Using acidic cleaners: Acidic cleaners like vinegar, lemon juice, or bleach can damage the surface of quartz countertops, causing them to discolor or lose their shine.
    Neglecting to clean spills promptly: Quartz countertops are non-porous, but they are not completely stain-proof. Allowing spills to sit for too long can result in discoloration or staining, which can be difficult to remove.
  3. Using too much water: While it’s important to clean your quartz countertop with water, using too much water can lead to damage over time. Water can seep into seams and cause damage to the adhesive, which can lead to lifting or cracking.
  4. Using the wrong tools: Using the wrong cleaning tools, such as abrasive sponges, can damage the surface of quartz countertops. It’s best to use soft, non-abrasive cloths or sponges to clean your countertops.
  5. Using hot pans directly on the countertop: Quartz countertops are heat-resistant but not heat-proof. Placing hot pans or pots directly on the countertop can cause thermal shock, which can result in cracks or discoloration.

Avoiding these common mistakes can help keep your quartz countertops looking beautiful and new for years to come. Remember to always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and use gentle cleaning methods to avoid damage.


Quartz countertops can remain clean and look gorgeous with the right knowledge. Keeping up with the routine care of your white quartz countertop is essential for lasting brilliance and shine. However, when cleaning for extreme cases such as grease or red wine stain you must take further steps to ensure your countertop remains pristine. Moreover, it’s valuable to avoid damaging quartz countertops with acidic cleaners or attempting to cut directly onto their surface.

Let our experts at Granite Selection help you maintain the beauty of your white quartz countertop. We offer endless quartz and granite countertops to fit any kitchen style and needs that you have. Contact us today for more information on how we can help you create a kitchen unique to your lifestyle.


Make your dream come true by getting yourself one of our white quartz countertops. We have over 100 white patterns to choose from!

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  • Quartz comes in different varieties and coatings. The best thing to do is to check with your manufacturer or your warranty about which cleaning agents to use. Also, always refer to the label of the cleaner and look for ‘quartz safe.’ Checking on both should put you in a good position for your quartz to last a lifetime. Quartz-specific cleaners are also available in the market. When in doubt, reach out to us to see what we recommend, we are always happy to help.