How to Fix a Chip in Quartz Countertop?

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In the world of kitchen countertops, quartz is one of the superstars. There is no question that it is one of the most durable countertops in existence. Composed of a fusion of stone and resin, it is as solid as granite and its aesthetics is also something that you can be proud of. Because of its sturdiness, quartz countertops rarely get scratched, cracked, or chipped. However, nothing on this planet is made perfect because even the hardest, most robust quartz countertops can have the occasional chip here and there. So, what should you do if this happens? Do not panic yet, because like every problem, there is a solution! And how to fix a chip in quartz countertop is not as hard as you think it is (unless the problem area is so grave that expert help is needed).

Check Warranty for your quartz countertop

First of all, before getting into the entire do-it-yourself act, your quartz countertop may still have its warranty in place. In this case (and we hope you kept it!), go ahead and check your warranty. Odds are the company that sold it to you has provided you with your own copy and with this, you can check which kind of damages are covered and which ones you can do by yourself. Usually, quartz countertops warranties last for either a minimum of one year or up to a maximum of 10, so if you see that you are still covered, do not hesitate to reach out to your supplier and ask them for help. They may be able to give you specific instructions on how to fix a chip in your quartz countertop. Better yet, they may send someone over from their team to have a look at it and handle the quartz countertop chip repair.
Check warranty for your quartz countertop

How to repair a small chip on a quartz countertop?

On the other hand, if you only have a minor chip on your quartz countertop, there is a simple method that you can do to fix the problem. You can do this by using adhesive to repair a chip in a quartz countertop. To start off, here are the following materials that you will need for your repair kit:

  • Ammonia-based cleaner (or any other non abrasive cleaner)
  • Masking tape (a simple duct tape will do)
  • Super glue (for light-colored quartz countertops)
  • Pigmented epoxy adhesive (for dark-colored ones)
  • Sandpaper

Once you have these materials on hand, you can now go ahead and try fixing that annoying chip. Here are some tips on how to do it:

ammonia-based cleanerStep 1. Start with a clean surface. Use the ammonia-based cleaner to clear the entire slab of the countertop surface of any dust and other particles. This kind of cleaning material is good for your quartz countertop because it is non-abrasive. This way, you are sure that there will be no additional damages because it won’t scratch your counters. Once you spray it on the area, wipe it off with a soft, damp cloth. Let the surface dry before you carry on with the chip repair.

masking tapeStep 2. Put masking tape on the areas surrounding the chip. This way, the application of the adhesive will be more seamless, and you won’t have to deal with caulk stains afterward. You can also use silicone caulk for a more smooth line. Once you apply your masking tape, you can say thanks later because you won’t have to spend all that extra time trying to scratch off the adhesive stains that may accidentally spill on areas other than the chip you are trying to remedy. 


Chips may come by accident, and the best way to avoid them is to take utmost care of your quartz countertop.

super glue

Step 3. If you have a light-colored quartz countertop, take out your super glue. Because it is a clear material, it is hardly noticeable when you use it for repairs. The kind of superglue that you should use depends on where the chip in your quartz countertop surface is. If the chip is on a flat surface, use one with a thin consistency and if the cracked area is on the edge, use something that has a thicker consistency. For its application, take a spatula or a brush and use it to put thin coats on the chip. Do it until the chip reaches an equal height with the surface of the countertop. Once you’re done with the application, leave it to dry and cure overnight or for at least 24 hours. Remember, do not put too much superglue because it will require a longer time to cure. a pigmented epoxy adhesive

Step 4. Meanwhile, if you own a dark-colored or textured quartz countertop, you’re better off with a pigmented epoxy adhesive. If you want optimal results, put a dye with a similar shade as your quartz countertop and mix them together. And now it’s the same process as with superglue on light-colored kitchen countertops: apply the epoxy mixture thinly until the chip is on the same level as the surface. Wait for 24 hours till it dries. However, unlike the superglue, you may apply extra amounts of epoxy since it shrinks a little bit as it dries. Don’t worry about unevenness because you can just sand this off later. using sandpaper

Step 5. Finally, using sandpaper, file the adhesive you applied once it’s already hard and dry. To achieve the best results, choose sandpaper with higher grit ranging from 360 to 600. This will even out and smooth over the dried glue on the surface of your quartz countertop. Also, for surfaces, you may use a razor blade for filling the chip. You just need to gently glide on the area with sideways movements. Get professional help if the chip is bigger than a minor home solution can handle

Get professional help

It’s only natural for small accidents to happen in your kitchen from time to time. In the case that your quartz countertop becomes chipped, you may be able to fix a chip on your own. Some chips are small and don’t require a ton of skill or materials in order to fix them.

If, however, you notice that your quartz countertop surface has a chipped area and you don’t feel comfortable making the repair, we recommend opting for a new granite countertop installation versus fixing a counter with a significant number of chips.

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We have many quartz options in our catalog, plus an amazing Ocean Jasper quartz project we did in Lincolnwood, Il.

Should you need a new countertop altogether, whether your current countertops are outdated or you’re simply looking to refresh your space to something brighter and more modern, our specialists are happy to assist. We are specialists in quartz, granite, and other stone distribution, design, fabrication, and installation. Give us a call at (888) 906 3317 or contact us to learn more about how Granite Selection can help.

With all that being said, prevention is still better at the end of the day. Next time, treat your quartz countertop with utmost care! It may be durable, but it is not unbreakable.

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