How Durable are 3cm Granite Countertops?

Granite is one of the hardest (and most beautiful, in our humble opinion) natural stones for the countertops available for the countertops in your home. While we offer a variety of styles and colors, our countertops typically come in thicknesses of 2-centimeters and 3-centimeters.


A regular Chicago granite countertop, regardless of thickness, will outlast most other traditional countertop materials. While a 3-centimeter thick countertop is much heavier than the 2-centimeter thickness, both offer the same surface burn, scratch, chip and stain resistance.

2cm VS. 3cm


The biggest difference between 2-centimeter and 3-centimeter thicknesses is the surface area they can cover while ‘unassisted’. The thinner granite, 2 centimeters, will require additional supports for any overhangs and laminated countertop edges to maintain the same durability of the same size cut of a 3-centimeter stone. *

*While adding a laminated edge and overhang supports will make a 2-centimeter countertop as strong as a 3 centimeter, these additions will add cost in materials and labor.

Laminated edges?

To laminate the granite countertop edges of your granite countertop, an extra piece of stone is added underneath, along the parameter, to double the thickness. This ‘double edge’ is then finished to create the appearance of a thicker piece of stone. This procedure reinforces the areas of your countertop that get the most abuse.

Scratches and Chips

The thickness of your granite countertops will have no effect on the scratch resistance. Standard kitchen knives cannot scratch granite. Meaning, if you cut food directly on your countertop, the only damage you will have caused is the dulling of your knife blades. However, if enough force is applied, it is possible for the edges of your granite to chip. (Although improbable, unenforced 2-centimeter granite slabs have the highest likelihood of chipping.)

High Temperatures

Granite of any thickness won’t burn under ordinary use. It’s OK to place pots or pans directly from the oven or stove on your countertop. The heat will not damage or discolor your granite. You can also spill hot liquids on the surface of a granite countertop without causing any burns, bubbling or melting. (However, we don’t recommend moving the science experiments onto the kitchen counter.)

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Granite is a super durable material, and this Black Galaxy granite countertop is no exception!

Stains and Moisture


If left unsealed, all granite will absorb stains, which typically show on the stone as darkened or discolored areas. This will not affect the structural integrity of your kitchen countertop, regardless of thickness, but it will affect its appearance. Once a granite countertop is coated with an impregnating sealer, though, as long as spills are wiped up as they occur, it’s extremely difficult to stain your countertop.

Pitting and Hairline Cracks

Because granite has a crystalline structure, your countertop will have natural pitting, or tiny holes between the various minerals within the stone. Granite also has natural fissures or cracks. If the granite is properly installed (with regard to the thickness), it is not likely to crack under normal use, and these cracks and pitting’s are not typically a sign that you need a new countertop.


Just give us a call, and we’ll guide you through every step of your granite countertop project.



It is possible, with additions, to make a 2-centimeter countertop as durable as a 3-centimeter counter. However, these additions will add time and cost to your project.

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